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One of the important things about this website is the visitors, believe it or not we do actually care what you have to say, we want to hear your views and your opinions. So if you want to get in touch with us about anything then drop us a line, visit our forums or sign our guest book.

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Let us know what you think of the site by signing our guestbook if you don't just view it. has been up and running since the 19th of February 2000, we get some 700 or so visitors a day which makes us one of the top rated British archietecture sites. It's the combined work of many people, some of who are listed below but also too many minor contributors to possibly name. A big thanks goes out to all of them for their help, assistance, material and angry emails :)

Editor James Newman  
Imaging Matt Bowker  
Words Gavin Pearson, John Glenday, Neil Woodhouse, Matt Nelson  
Statistics Jon Smith, John Parkin  
Special thanks Jan Klerks, Mark Joseph, Matt Lilley, Oliver Minchin, and everyone else