The email address published on this website is published here for comment directly related to this site. This does not include marketing, or unsolicited commercial emails selling goods or services, in otherwords "spam".

The email address on this website may not be republished, sold or retained without the prior permission of the site owner. Furthermore you do not have permission to hold or process both electronically and manually the data which relates to this email address.

The email address on this site has never been published anywhere except on this site and permission has never been granted to any organisations to sell it or use it for marketing purposes.

We refer you to the 1998 Data Protection Act. Any breaches of this will be passed on to the Data Protection Commissioner and British violators will suffer legal action for the time wasted in dealing with their spam. There will be a standard £50 pound charge for each piece of spam recieved.

In otherwords, spam us at your peril.